tuple((JuliaToDType!string)) source/juliad/eval.d(16,52): Error: `@safe` function `juliad.eval.jlEvalString` cannot call `@system` function `std.string.fromStringz!char.fromStringz` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../phobos/std/string.d(222,15): `std.string.fromStringz!char.fromStringz` is declared here source/juliad/shims.d(9,22): Error: cast from `_jl_value_t*` to `jl_array_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(18,23): Error: cast from `_jl_value_t*` to `jl_array_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(27,20): Error: cast from `_jl_value_t*` to `jl_array_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(33,10): Error: safe function `juliad.shims.jl_array_dim` cannot index pointer `r` source/juliad/shims.d(38,24): Error: cast from `_jl_value_t*` to `jl_array_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(50,9): Error: cast from `ulong` to `_jl_value_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(57,34): Error: cast from `_jl_value_t*` to `char*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(62,20): Error: cast from `jl_array_t*` to `_jl_value_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(66,21): Error: cast from `_jl_value_t*` to `_jl_datatype_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(71,14): Error: cast from `_jl_value_t*` to `_jl_datatype_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(81,28): Error: pointer arithmetic not allowed in @safe functions source/juliad/shims.d(87,27): Error: safe function `juliad.shims.jl_svecref` cannot index pointer `jl_svec_data(t)` source/juliad/shims.d(92,22): Error: `@safe` function `jl_is_datatype` cannot access `__gshared` data `jl_datatype_type` source/juliad/shims.d(92,18): Error: function `juliad.shims.jl_typeis(_jl_value_t* v, _jl_datatype_t* t)` is not callable using argument types `(_jl_value_t*, _error_)` source/juliad/shims.d(92,18): cannot pass argument `__error` of type `_error_` to parameter `_jl_datatype_t* t` source/juliad/shims.d(98,25): Error: cast from `_jl_datatype_t*` to `_jl_value_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(127,8): Error: cast from `int` to `void*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(129,34): Error: cast from `void*[]` to `_jl_gcframe_t*` not allowed in safe code source/juliad/shims.d(139,57): Error: `@safe` function `juliad.shims.getErrorString` cannot call `@system` function `std.string.fromStringz!char.fromStringz` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../phobos/std/string.d(222,15): `std.string.fromStringz!char.fromStringz` is declared here source/juliad/types.d-mixin-77(78,22): Error: `@safe` function `jl_is_void` cannot access `__gshared` data `jl_void_type` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/dmd-safe failed with exit code 1.